Saturday, March 18, 2006


I have already exorcised the damn thing.

Friday, March 17, 2006

I feel... so... so... so... so... so... so... so... so... so... so... so... defeated by the series of events.

Sometimes, things are so bad, I begin to believe that I am the cause of them.

Is like... I will go into a depressed mode and start reprimanding myself.

Maybe... I am just tired.


I WILL be fine in no time. I guess.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Guess what...

I am still at La Salle Arts Academy working on my project.


I feel sick. I think I am.

In fact, it must be lethal!!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

"I have measured out my life with coffee spoons."
~ T.S Eliot

It's definitely more than a thousand spoons.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Heard something ludicrious during the political science lecture...

So I went online for verification...

And here goes...

Two EU Regulations:

EU regulation 1677/88 requires Class One cucumbers to curve less than 10mm every 10cm.

EU regulation 2257/94 states that bananas must be "free of abnormal curvature" and should be at least 5.5 inches long.

Straight bananas and bendy cukes anyone?

Monday, March 13, 2006

A friend send this to me... Thank you.

I found the letters rather interesting...

Someone sent in a hate mail to a columnist/DJ...

Parts of it... (View>Encoding>Unicode)

The hate mail...



His reply of impassivity...







Sounds crude. But it's true, isnt it?

Sunday, March 12, 2006

The sentient's contradiction...

Words masked. Silence expressed.

Maybe ...

that's why we speak.

So that loquacity conceals our veracious thoughts.
The Caffeinated Beacon...

So very often.


"People should spit into a tissue or bag, then place it in a dustbin to complete the civilized process of spitting."

~ Chinese official on ending spitting on the street before 2008 Olympics. From Times Asia.


Maybe they need another one on civilized process of closing toilet doors...