Saturday, April 15, 2006

This is so hilarious.

Child Abduction "The Great Wall of South Park"

Just love that child tracker and that mongolians' invasion..

"God damn'it! How come us Chinese try to put up a wall, stupid mongolians have to come and knock it down!"

and Stan (!!!).. with his cranky mongolian-speaking Dad.
Tread that path...

Do you know where you are heading to?

I ask that a lot.

Maybe that's why I can never be contented with now.

Banal trivia do obscure panorama of those dreams.

Sometimes I forget to see.

To truly see.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Okie.. I am going crazy.


I am having exams soon. (REAL soon) and guess what I did for the good part of my time?

I went on to watch All the President's Men at 2 in the morning!!!!

The story about two Washington Post journalists conducting investigative journalism on a seemingly innocuous burglar case at Watergate Democrats Office which other press didn't give a second thought on. As it turned out, it was bugging by the Republicans, involving CIA, FBI, the White House and the Republican President of the time - Richard Nixon.

As the story unfoils, they realized how fraudulent it was. The President not only tapped wires at Democrats' office, but sabotaged opponents by sending out fake letters etc. to win his Presidential campaign even a year before the Watergate. Washington Post Site on Watergate

What really interest me is how the President wasn't brought down by Somebody but two Nobodys with the clarion of a pen.

Knowing that at least half the rest of you will not be remotely interested, I know I am losing it.


Oh.. and a stupid MTV in cantonese on "Cursing Pimples":

Donald Cheng's MTV

Ha.. Hope you get the gist of it!



A friend of mine is going to Turkey and Greece for backpacking this June.


I've something on this June.

Another missed chance.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006


By the way, who came up with the religion Scientology. Is that a religion anyway?

The word seems weird.

You see.. there is "scien-" which literally says science..

and "-ology" which mean science as well.

So.. scientology is "science of science" which is a religion and it believes in aliens?!

Oh.. okie.

That makes sense.