Tired like
HELL... gettin my
Mondae BlUes todae aGaIN~
So I took the cab to sch.. LoL~... At this rate, I'll be broke in no time this month~
Nothin much happen todae... well... borrowed 4 books from the school's central library...
Know that you guyz will not be interested in what I borrow.. but u see.. nothin to blog todae.. Haa.. so
ThIs is iT:
Century of Genocide Eyewitness Accounts and Critical Interviews
Annihilating Differences
Human Rights: An Introduction
Human Rights in Eastern Europe
Haha... well well.. can guess my topic? Haa~...HaIZzzzz~ Is on Racism in the 20th Century... History EssaY~ DaMN~ Gotta look for books tmr too...
Juz realize that my sch have 5 to 6 libraries and
NONE of these have fiction books~ Can you imagine that? A library with onli documents, non-fiction, journals... er... juz the thought of it... u know how bad a library like this can be.. n with FIVE to SIX situated in diff. parts of the campus... ThaZ heLL~ N whoz to blame when there is no reading culture among the undergrads? DoTzzzzZz
ArGhh.. guess I'll be stuck in that LiBraRy for sometime. After my HisTorY essaY.. the due date is comin for my PolItics in SEA papers.... then my Politics presentation.. then EXAMS... YuCKs~
I know is REBEL's long awaited time.. since her attachment at HDB will end right? Dotzz... act like u r workin lor...
Aniwae.. so howz the holidae plan goin? Huh? Huh? CaN someone tell ME~ Mi is alright with wateva place you come up with... as long as it is EnJoyaBle.. haa~ But preferably with the SPA pls... HoHO~ Woohoo..
sunshine.. beach.... SPA.... aniwae i dun mind cruise too... HahA~
Laaa~ Sorri... TIRED... thaz why goin to
HYPER mode now...
Goin to sleep...
ZzzZzzzZzzz (^@^)