Blog has been in stagnation for quite a while.
Anyway.. guyz... is decided..
I am going to the
University of Hong Kong for a
Bachelor of Journalism degree.
It's supposedly a three years course.. but due to my completion of 1 year in NUS.. it is most probably reduced by a sem...
so considering 4 months make up a semester... I will be away for around 20 months..
Oh.. n plus three weeks of internship... thaz around two years.
Anyway... might be back in SG every two months.. during break and holidays.
Guess that's the advantage of having a father who work in the travel industry? You will know when cheap fares is available. :)
I've always thought is gonna be easy for me to make such a decision. Still... it didn't come easy.
I think I will miss you guyz alot. Of coz.. gonna miss some of you more than others. :)
My holidaez will be unlikely to coincide with those in SG except for those festivals like Christmas and so on.
Do come and visit me during YOUR holidaez... and I'll come back during MY holidaez.. that basically double the meeting time?!
Right.. I know I m juz dreaming.. who would wanna go HK every holidae... HAIZ... but at a good bargain price of 20 bucks.. do consider?
And finally...
Gonna say that I will most probably treat this experience as an adventure?
Yes... this has always seems to be something I yearned for. Or is it? Sometimes I do wonder. I am not as certain as most of you think I am.
In fact, I have even thought of the possibility of not going... but I know I will regret.
Up till this point of my life.. I try to make decisions based on the amount of fulfillment and happiness I can get from it.....
BUT... goin to HKU does not guaranteed that I will be happy. (not that I am unhappy in SG) Maybe I juz need a venture before I feel contented with anything. Is like betting on sth without realizing the outcome....
Erm.. and goin to HK doesn't mean that I am giving up on anything in SG. I still treasure the friendship I have earned here. So guyz.. pls dun give up on me too.. :)
Right... talkin too much..
I'll try to blog more often now that I am goin to HK.
"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that things are difficult."