Saturday, January 28, 2006

A friend send this to me...

Memoirs of a Geisha

Hee... well I have to warn you... it does contain some adult content. :p

Friday, January 27, 2006

As i was waiting for a bus in campus, two galz (most probably 5 or 6 years old) were playing at a slope nearby... speaking in mandarin...

Gal A: Do you know how to cross the road?

Gal B: Of course I know!!! My uncle taught me how.

Gal A: I have an uncle too arr...

*their topic then wander off to something about counting 123 and then running down the slope. But after a while.. Gal A goes... again and rather enthusiastically...

"Do you know how to cross the road????"

Ha.. well.. it may not sound funny here... but their naivety and innocence really brought a smile on my face. It was so unconscious. I must have looked weird at the crowded bus stop that day.

But.. well.. since when I am not weird?

It just makes me think...

when have we lost that innocence that a trivial thing like crossing the road can become an accomplishment we feel proud of?

when have we lost that child in us? the time when we can be happy for very small reasons?

Is it when we start judging others?

Or when we begin loving ourselves too much?

but whatever that is..

All I know is that this impalpable existence disappears for everyone.


Thursday, January 26, 2006

Doing a REACTION PAPER for one of the courses...

Here goes one of the sentence I wrote...

"By now, it will take a real moron in Ron Moron to not see that the argument is directed at his budget."

Oh.. the name RON MORON is given. Erm.. is it appropriate to make such a statement anyway?

After all.. is a PAPER for me to REACT on.

Come to think about it..

this reminds me of an incident I had in secondary school. We got to do newspaper clippings for our chinese lessons and I remembered myself getting an article of a girl being robbed by a guy.

I wrote a review on it. Guess I mentioned something like "I think the girl deserves it." Whatever I wrote, I think I did justification on the robber's action.

So.. when I got back my papers. The chinese teacher said jokingly about how the gal muz have done something to my family for me to do such justification.

Whatever.. I am just REACTING to the article.


Monday, January 23, 2006

OK... I finally went for a full day of lesson..

FULL-DAY.. as in from morning till evening... 10am to 8pm to be exact.

Though there are breaks in between, the idea of spending about half your day in school is pretty tormenting... Sigh...

Juz to see how my ordinary soporific day goes...

10am - Cosmetics and Perfumes...

Today... the lecturer went into biology of skin.


Our outer layer skin is scientifically known as epidemis.. also known as "the horny skin".

Apocrine glands on our skin are responsible for sexual attraction.

(erm.. if only we could on and off these glands as and when we wished.. )


12pm - 4pm : BREAK...

Watched a video. Had my dose of caffeine.

Time crawls by...


4pm - Public Relations Tutorial

Waz the most interesting bit of this.. is his advice to us..

In the working world..

"treat all your colleagues as absolute morons".

As if they were impaired from performing tasks efficiently. Always check and do follow-ups on waz assigned to them. Well.. of coz.. it's not meant in a bad way. I guess.


6pm - 8pm: UNIVERSE~!!##$(@&(@


Well.. it's juz full of diagrams, equations, Einstein and Newton.

OKie... I had a REALLLLLY great start to this...

Lecturer, "The black hole receives no light because *&*)*)^@^*(#@)(*)@_ BLACK HOLE (&(&(*#&(#*# BLACK HOLE..."

I HAVE NO IDEA WHY... at the end of his explanation... I could only catch those few repetitive words...

My mind went blank.. I know I am sinking into a BLACK HOLE by then. Simply no depth to the agony I went thru..


Guess I exaggerated.

To be honest,


apart from the angular momentum..

and velocity of orbital movements..

also the formation of gases...

oh.. of cause with the temperature, mass, radiation.. and what have you... aside..

It hem... not that bad.


Awww..... ALRIGHT...

It is tolerable.

Juz slightly.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

"I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That's deep enough. What do you want, an adorable pancreas?"

- Jean Kerr