Saturday, March 04, 2006

It's paradoxical how people live more in the past as they move on into the future.

Something from then captivates the soul, causes us to evade from now and even generates trepidity for after.


Reminds me of a dollar coin.

A dollar used to be a great deal when you were.. say... 8 or 9 years old?
It was enough to get you sweets and candies in school.

Then, that simplicity is forgotten.

A dollar is no longer enough. You need more.
10 dollars? 20 dollars?
Then.. a hundred.. two hundred...

But who can recall the time when that transition happen?

And then something comes to mind..

A surge of apprenhension of what may come...
That inevitable day when hundreds become scant as well.

From then onwards...

Would you still remember the time when a dollar makes you feel rich ?

Thursday, March 02, 2006

When can I have fun again?

Something got into me these days.

I've not been myself.

You see...

I am continually in a slumberous form...

accumulating extraordinary amount of workload...

and getting counterproductive.

More counterproductive.

What's worse?

I have no bloody sense of urgency...

and couldn't care less.

Oh man.... this is bad. This sounds bad. THIS GOT TO BE BAD.

Or... is it?


there I go again....

who am I kidding?

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Tug-of-War

Me: There are 4 ways of defining international politics...

Alter ego: Wonder how can I tighten that turn?

Me: Idealism...

Alter ego: Maybe if I swerve to the right a little bit more..

Me: Realism....

Alter ego: Oh... maybe turn the torso sharply will help...

Me: Marxism....

Alter ego: Erm... wonder when can I do a spin...


Alter ego: Roll on!

