Friday, August 06, 2004

Hi GuYZ.... juz got home... Sms eileen... she told mi the details for Sun. So the house-warmin thingy will be as follow:

EVENT: EILEEN's HOUSE-WARMIN PARTY <--- Our food savaging party.. LoL~

So ppl... tell mi when u all wanna go via sms.... rem the cushion Hong....

Honestli... i still think i m kinda mad now.... went out with wt n hong juz now... realli surprised tat wt actualli KNOW what happened yesterdae without mi tellin her as though she was there..... cool ya?
She even knows how I fEEL then Lor.... wow wow wow~~~ Creepy n scary.... dunno whether I sleep talk to her or sth....

ANYWAY.. it is over now. Not onli the incident... I hope everything will be over soon enough. Rem the cows n horses I was talkin about.... the "ride the cow n look for the horse" thingy... I think I can find mani good horses n forget about the cow....

Seeya guyz soon.

OK... goin out later... to buy the HOUSE-WaRmInG present for eileen.. FINALLY. Hope we can find sth.

Things kinda get a little complicated. Suddenli I feel that I dun realli wan to commit to anithing. Maybe... I still wanna keep my options open... or maybe... he's not the right one. I dunno.

GREAT.... I m mad. ARGHHHHHH...........

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Remote childhood is hazy, but some bright spots float up in memories. When you pick up one end of a thread, memories that have been submerged by time gradually appear and, like a net emerging from the water, they are inter-connected and infinite. the more you pull, the more threads seem to appear and disappear. Now that you have picked up one up and again pull up a whole mass of happenings from different times, you can't start anywhere, can't find a sort of order. Human life is a net, you want to undo it a knot at a time, but only succeed in creating a tangled mess. Life is a muddled account that you can't work out.

......... HaiZZ