Friday, January 13, 2006


Is this something to revere or something deemed negatory?

Or have I been using it in all the wrong places?

Is it too late?

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A piano I saw while window shopping in Time Square, Causeway Bay. Posted by Picasa

Firework at Victoria Harbour. Taken and seen from the Peak. Posted by Picasa

Taken with my dad and brother at the old flat my dad used to live in when he was a kid. Posted by Picasa

Trip to Macau. Haa.. there was a "I love Macau Hello Kitty exhibition" goin on. This is juz one of the set they had build replicating the real architecture in Macau. And.. please don't ask what in the world was I thinkin when I took this picture..  Posted by Picasa

Having supper with my Dad and brother. Don't really remember when. Posted by Picasa

Lila gonna kill me for this. Xmas 2005. Party at Alex's place. Lost a game of "getting chips from your forehead to your mouth" (er.. whatever you call it). Punishment for Lila: Sticker on the face. Punishment for me: Cream on your face. (well.. not that bad actually...) :p Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

A boulevard that I've walked pass sometime ago...

I still remember how it was not very long ago I sat on a stone bench there... reflecting on the past and the possible path I should steer towards to in the future.


it was perplexing.

It was never easy.

I know things would change becoz of this decision.

Most things seem to be like before. Even those things that changed changed within my expectation..

Still... there is miscalculation...

And how could I have guess?

the one thing that changed without my comprehension...

is just me.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Back in Singapore.

Finally I found some time to blog this statement.


Well... time flies in HK. Went to Shenzhen, Macau and Disneyland before I came back.


Used to think that HK and SIN are miles apart. But it doesnt feel that far away anymore. Let's say it juz feel like a long bus trip from one point to another.

People might find it hard to comprehend that I am back in Singapore. So does it mean that the past months have become a vacuum devoid of any meaning?

NO. Serious.

The truth is... I am not back to square one - the time before everything happens. I do think it is the best decision I have ever made till this point of time.

I might be back in SIN. But I don't feel the same anymore.

It is ironic that I hate changes, fear being forgotten, disappoint at things that doesnt go well...


I do change.

I do forget.

And most unfortunately, do disappoint.

4.00am 08 Jan 2006.


Did something impossible.

It's ok now.