Thursday, September 30, 2004

Haa.. postin up candid shots.. n I dunno wat THAT WOMAN is doin.. well obviousli she looks as though she is watchin a soccer match n the Arses WON.. thaz why she looks work up. Haa~ Ok.. well.. seriousli.. I dunno what she is doin.. I dun even rem what we r laughin about... LOL~ Posted by Hello


t(e)ng said...

to remind U:

we were catching hong's atTENtion so tAT she can find uS on the camerA scrEEN~ the scrEEN's totally black if u can remember~ like wearINg white helpS~ haA~ and we wERE likE wavin arouNd shoutin, "we're here hong, we're heRE!!!"


special thanx to hong for snappin this when u can'T c uS on the SCREEN!

and kc, why u stop wavin n start laughIN!?

Cat said...

Well... CoOl.. haha.. now I recaLL...

OkIe.. luckily I started laughin.. if not.. I will look EXACTLY like you in the photo~

Can you imagine that? Muahaa~