Saturday, October 23, 2004

When it rains... it pours...

This is yesterdae's picture in the mornin... it is realli raining A LOT lately... finally some changes in the weather.. is it the monsoon??

Anyway, kind of went into hiding yesterdae. Haha.. totally ignore the existence of modern technology. You know... u guyz always say my phone is fake right... thaz becoz I can realli forget about the mere existence of it at times... Haha.. I would put it in silent mode and juz leave it somewhere in my room n I'll juz forget about it the whole dae~ CooL ya? :p

But I did on my pc... juz to check on the taggie you see... LoL~

Reminds mi of the time when the pet game was rather hot. I forgot wat is it call... the little game where u keep a digi pet, either a chick or a dino, and you r suppose to educate, play, feed and clean it?? You know it requires a lot of time n effort juz to look after it right? I had one when I was young like during primary school daez n one day I forgot totally about it...

I juz woke up in the morn n forgot there was such a thing... n it was till the nez morn that I recall about it.. by then.. my dino was DEAD with a few piles of shit beside its carcass... (^.^lll) I reckon it was STINK to death... hahaa~

N now at times I SERIOUSLY forget about the existence of my phone until the nez dae~

Guess MuZ apoLogizE in aDvaNCe in casE i Miss AnI smS or caLLs... \(^.^)/

Aniwae... MAGICA~ u msg mi in msn yesterdae right?? Sorri.. was away~ WaZ uP? (^.^)/

\(^.^) Goin out with REBEL today? EnJOY yoUrseLf~

N ya.. JoUR went clubbing yesterdae's night right.. hope u r not squashed to death on the dance floor... OoPS~

ThaZ it FoR noW~ CiaOz~

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