Monday, August 29, 2005

Hey peeps.

This is the most unearthly hour I've ever blogged for a very long while.

THE REASON? My brother can't sleep because he's leaving today.

Well... I think he finally fall asleep. He is torturing me by playing all my songs in MY room since he had dismantled his own desktop. And he had difficulty sleeping because he's gonna leave his gf behind.

Guyz... you never know what they are thinking.

No. Is not the part that he can't sleep. Is the part that he can't sleep and decide to torment his sis. YawnzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


To be fair... I mean I don't understand my brother's train of thoughts. JUST him.

YAWNZ... I am tired. Fatigued. Frustrated. AND feeling rather pissy...


ANYWAY... since therez time... a little more details

I went to another gathering today.

Met frenz I've not seen for a very long while.

It's always nice to meet people you've known for a long time.

Most probably they have seen the most silly side of you (as in when you are young and naive and tend to act more rashly then now?) that you don't really feel the need to be pretentious in front of them.

It's a good thing to meet up after such a long while.

Felt that I might have miss knowing some frenz along the way. And now, I got to know them all over again. :)


ANYWAY... ABOUT THE PHOTOS. I've uploaded them again. It's in FULL RESOLUTION now. (For aunty sheng to know in particular.)

AND I suggests viewing without the slideshow. Click on "This photo belongs to: watevawateva (set)"

then go to the set you are looking for.

click "next" instead of the slideshow... I feel that it's more convenient to read the hidden notes.


Got home. Saw sth rather annoying.

After seeing it... I juz cant help goin "Ewwww". Yucks.

Sorry. Cant bring myself to say what it is. Is juz sth about my caprice of behavior in the past that utterly reflected badly on me.

Oh.. juz the thought of it.


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