Sunday, January 29, 2006

Well... hey.. Happy Chinese New Year har..

Bet most people will be busy with visits and stuff when they wake up today hur?

Oh.. gosh... I can't help it..




I wonder why Man created a nuisance known as time? I mean... who says that a DAY got to be 24 hours? Why can't it be 25 hours? or 24.6 hours? I mean even the rotation of the earth wouldn't be THAT precise isn't it? There got to be some plus-minus here and there..

SO... why must there be a countdown for anything? It's not even precise in the first place..


Guess I am going bonkers with all these new year countdown goin on...

Who created the Chinese New Year anyway?

I thought festivals are supposed to be created so that you can have some fun before going back to the drudgery of everyday life.

Maybe I should start counting down for everything.

Ok.. counting down for the coming of Monday now... er... to celebrate the dawning of the sun on Sunday.

There! A valid reason!


not funny..



By the way...

Happy Chinese New Year......

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